Friday, May 13, 2005

A Tintin Treat this week!!

I recently ordered a set of all 21 Tintin comics for a friend and what a treat it has been through this week. I told this friend of mine that I would read the entire lot before handing them over to him(I had read most of the Tintin comics but a few had been left out somehow). So everyday, while my wife is away to Delhi and Panipat to help my parents settle down at Delhi, I have been reading the comics.

Read Seven Crystal Balls, Picaros, The Prisoners of Sun, The Calculus Affair, Tibet....They are so good -each character has his or her set of eccentricities(though many many look very similar - many have long protruding chins, most wear glasses). The funniest character in the series is Haddock, undoubtedly. And I also like the funny Indian names used - Lady Yamilah, Fakeer Chandra Patnagar Rabad (Seven Crystal Balls),Maharaja of Gaipajama (Blue Lotus)...I also loved Herge's other series - Jo, Zette and Jocko. Their "Valley of Cobra" and "Destination New York" adventures are quite good and the former is entirely set in India and has some funny names like Maharajah of Gopal...

The oddest looking guy in the entire series has to be Dr Decimus Phostle (Shooting Star)...he looks like a half moon. Even his portrait has stars around his face, so the resemblance is there...Shooting Star did have very funny looking characters. Even the Bohlwinkle Bank guy looks funny...Gen Tapioca also looks funny (resembles a centurion in Asterix...the one in Big Fight who always talks very loud) (In fact I would like to note a very good site that lists down all characters that have appeared in Tintin comics:

And the most irritating guy has to be good ol' Jolyon Wagg!

I truly wish there were more Tintins...I truly find it the most entertaining comic series ever made(Asterix comes close and was good only till Goscinny and Uderzo worked together..the later ones are just too bad!!).

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