Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Driving in Columbia

Today was my first experience of driving on American roads. After some driving on Indian roads, one gets so daunted and shaken that to think of driving across to a nearby city, forget across a state, gets your nerves. But here, one is so tempted to just hit the gas and keep on drivin'. That temptation though one has to curb. I also saw a couple of car wrecks down on the Inter-state. Keeps happening on certain exit and entry junctions. I drove past a point called the Malfunction Junction. A unique point in Columbia - where 4 Inter-states meet. One would get bonkers if you just think of 18 wheelers whizzing past you at 70-75 mph across all sides. Today I also tested myself through a McDonald's Drive-Thru. Once I become a "primary" driver here in my car-pool, I would next plan to take long jaunts on the inter-state, going to Atlanta, Augusta, Charleston, Myrtle, Smokey..then to wee-bit farther places - Orlando, Tampa, Miami...perhaps Norfolk, VA and Washington...then it would be an ambitious NY, Niagara..who knows?..Once Vishal comes here, I guess it would be possible to take that long haul to even the north....Yeee Haw! Can't wait hittin' the road!

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