Tuesday, September 11, 2007

How to survive 4 years in a comfort zone...

Whew...hard to believe that I have completed four years with my current company, having had worked in 4 organizations in my first 4 years as a professional. To think that I started off my innings here with no focus whatsoever, today I am blissfully wedded for more than 4 years, leading a fairly comfortable life in a small provincial town, working in a global organization that is growing exponentially across India as a manager with responsibilities and lots of expectations..one doesn't quite realize how difficult it gets to get out of such complacence until one is made to leave the city or the way of life..for now, such an unsettling moment seems to be dawning on our lives as we prepare to leave for US for sometime. Suddenly, one is filled with anxiety and excitement - of life without the comfort of a spacious house, servants, short distances to office, "desi" lifestyle - to a more organized and faster life, of living almost 12 hours behind your usual timezone..more so when you are taking your loved one along and have to think of her life too in a strange land..reminds me of The Namesake (the movie more than the book)..I think its gotta be a good experience. I guess I would like to consider this as an auspicious moment to resume blogging...

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