Last weekend I saw the Muttley and Dastardly series that Nilu shared with me a while back. Absolutely love this duo, especially Muttley (who also is/or bears a strong resemblance with Mumbly). He absolutely reminds me of our incorrigible Chaman, with the same shaggy look and the protruding lower canine teeth. I really wish at times that Chaman could snicker like Muttley - the trademark wheezy, asthmatic and vicious sounding laugh - or the trademark rashaffasharashaffasha grumble. And whenever Dastardly asks Muttley in the Stop the Pigeon series if he wanted a medal for his rescuing efforts, Muttley responds with an enthusiastic "Yeah Yeah Yeah" ..:)...hats off to Iwao Takamoto for creating these characters - and the other characters like Penelope Pitstop (I love the Hooded Claw and his "I'll get you Penelope")..:-\
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